The majority of tourists that will flood into South Africa will mostly consist of a few specific character groups, a fact widely overlooked by the industry at this stage.
Violence amongst sport (Rugby, Soccer and Cricket) supporters has not even closely been experienced in South Africa, and these tensions are most probably going to spill over into tourist facilities between games. Sport supporter frustrations could cause millions of Rand’s worth of damage to facilities, let alone serious injury and deaths, both natural and unnatural. As far back as 2007 organised crime has already infiltrated the Tourist industry on a huge scale in just about every town, and lays dormant waiting for your client to swipe his card or place his wallet on his bedside table.
Liability claims in the tourist industry would probably run into millions. Let alone the long term reputation damage adverse incidents will create on the regional and national tourism businesses. Tourist operators thinking that their operations will be foolproof just because they have been assessed by Government coordinators are in for big surprise. Even minor incidents would cause your business to be severely affected due to the close network of tourists, supporters and organisers during any events. Returning to their countries they would inform their travel agents of the standards they have experienced. Some information will be second and third hand and without justification, but the damage will be done.
If you think the law enforcement is going to be reformed and revitalised, you are in for a massive surprise.
As Risk Manager for Sun International Resorts and casinos, Joe Lategan at one stage managed 22 Hotels, Casino’s and resorts on an operational level in 10 different countries in Southern Africa. All of these had its own set of legalities, business requirements and logistical and political challenge. During the period the 80’s and early 90,s of extreme political turmoil in the {old homelands} before regulation of the industry, Joe Lategan gained unequalled experience in Disaster and crises management, both locally and abroad. Joe’s experience in managing crisis’s such as Boycotts, Civil disorders, Industrial action, terrorist attacks, civil liabilities, explosions, Robberies and other serious crimes such as major frauds and theft would never be equalled within the international Tourism industry. Joe designed cutting edge security and surveillance systems for various new Mega Casino/resorts in Southern Africa and lectured on the subjects in the United States. Many world renowned celebrities, Heads of state and Conferences of an International profile have been secured by Joe over the past 23 years.
Subjects covered amongst others
How to comply with more than 20 laws (a stack of books more than 6 feet high) in my guest house with less than 10 employees or a large hotel group? (This will largely determine negligence with most liabilities) Tourist operators are not even complying with 40 % of the legal requirements.
· How does the CEO protect him/herself against personal liability. Insurance will not keep him/her out of jail?
· Can I really rely on my neighbouring assistance plan in a real disaster?
· How to develop a workable emergency plan that addresses all events in the “before” “during” and “after” stages?
· What procedures do I follow in cases such as a serious food poisoning incident, robbery, high jacking, bomb threats, rape etc?
· How to measure the performance of my Security Company or personnel on a daily basis?
· Are my contracts with service providers effective and have they been reviewed before the crowds arrive?
· Event management as a business tool. Electronic OB's
· How you handle a liability complaint in the first few minutes can determine whether you pay a million or nothing?
· How do I get the most out of Law enforcement?
· How to determine target loss frequencies, frequency loss locations, return on safety investment etc?
and loads of knowledge that will make the conference return the investment over many times
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