“Risk profile” for the Hospitality & Tourism Industry

"RiskCure" has compiled a risk profile of all the business processes within the Hotel, Gaming, Resort and Leisure sectors of the Tourism Industry. This product is based on 20 years of research in tourism protection in Southern Africa and consists of a set of control standards that allow for anyrange of hotels, guesthouses, lodgesand other role-players to be compared with each other regarding controls. Performance evaluations could thus be done and risk control efforts rewarded. This format and methodology could be used to guide international tourists individually or from a travel agent perspective. This system allows measurement of all those functions / activities that normally contain the potential of developing into some crises.Thestandard of this “matrix” is such that a grading system can be introduced internationally. Operators will be assisted in the implementation of the standards and can be evaluated on a ongoing basis .This could be used in the marketing campaign especially now that tourism protection is becoming number one priority in the international tourism industry.